>> PowerWeave launches Magiix for the US & UK publishing markets

>> Media sees BPO action as global majors eye India.

>> FIPP delegation to explore publishing in India

PowerWeave targets US & UK publishing market with Magiix

Clarksville-Maryland, March 24th 2004: PowerWeave Software Services (India) Pvt. Limited - an emerging player in the digital workflow solutions and IT-enabled services market for the publishing and graphic arts industry announced the US and UK market launch of its innovative, new Magiix solution (www.magiix.com).

Magiix is a comprehensive solution addressed at the print periodical markets and leverages advances in digital workflow technologies and high-speed networking to offer a unique product-service combination. The Magiix solution combines a editorial-design workflow application built on industry standard practices and robust client-server technology with an integrated, outsourced graphics studio service. "We believe Magiix' unique technology enabled product-service framework answers several strategic concerns of magazine publishers such as productivity, costs and resourcing" said Rajesh Patel, CEO, PowerWeave.

Elaborating further, Rajesh Patel adds "With the Magiix solution PowerWeave has brought to bear the benefits of digital workflow and business process outsourcing in concert and in a single, seamless framework. More than an IT solution, Magiix is a business transformation strategy".

MagiixStudio: IT-enabled design delivery

What makes Magiix unique is it's integrated service model that now allows even small and mid-sized publishers to tap into the obvious benefits of offshore outsourcing. Publishers can now gain from productivity improvements that digital workflow brings plus significant reduction in per page production costs as a result of outsourcing their page layout and design processes to MagiixStudio - the Mumbai, India based design studio. "By outsourcing repetitive, non-critical work such as page layout and design, publishers can free high-value resources to pursue newer revenue opportunities" explains Rajesh Patel. "We believe it's a potent amalgam of workflow product and service that can save a small sized publisher with say, three titles upwards of 175,000 USD a year" he added.

Leveraging proven business models

PowerWeave (www.powerweave.com) has a proven track record in developing software applications and products aimed at enabling remote graphic services delivery. And in atworkservicesusa.com - it's remote design studio initiative for the promotional merchandising, quick print and corporate verticals - it already has a proven business model for remote, IT-enabled, graphics services delivery. Artworkservicesusa.com boasts of over 250 customers including 4imprint.com, BIC Graphics, Kinkos and Plumtree.

Speaking to the press, Varshal Thakor, Director, US Operations for PowerWeave said, "Local alliances and partnerships with service providers in the US are already in advanced stages of realization and we will continue to seek out any partnership opportunities that can add significantly to our value proposition"


For Business & Product Enquiries:

Dhananjay Balodi
General Manager, Publishing Services
Mumbai, India.
Tel: +91 22 24300516.
Email: djbalodi@magiix.com

Media sees BPO action

New Delhi, Feb 6th: Global media and entertainment giants like Time Warner, Walt Disney, Fox Entertainment and top publishing houses are gearing up to outsource many of their IT services and back office work to India. Their objective: Reduce cost and time to reach the market with efficient products.

Top officials from Pearson and Bertelsmann are coming to India to take a closer look. Gunter Thielen, chairman of Bertelsmann is expected to announce major investments for the country next month.

Source: Times of India

FIPP delegation to explore publishing in India

FIPP is organising a tour to India between 13 and 19 March 2004. Following members' interest in this growing market, The FIPP Publishers Tour will allow a FIPP delegation to meet collectively and individually with India's magazine publishers, key government ministers, and advertising agency executives.

India has become an exciting potential new market for cross-border publishers ever since the announcement of liberalisation in entry restrictions to foreign publishers, in June 2002. At the 34th FIPP World Magazine Congress in Paris earlier this year, Ravi Shankar Prasad, India's Minister for Information and Broadcasting confirmed the country's new approach: "As far as the non-news and current affairs magazines are concerned, we have come with a very liberal regime where under 74% foreign investment is permissible for publishing speciality magazines, sports magazines, scientific journals etc...With our experience we propose to liberalise it further."

Source: www.fipp.com

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